Debriefed Behavioral Assessment with
Individual Development plan
Behavioral Suitability Assessment tailored for specific job
(for candidates- internal and external with a video review)
+$30 per new job (Customization fee)
Engagement and Fulfillment Reports Starting at $42/person
Organizational Network/Role Analysis Starting at $20 /person
(requires minimum of 45 for statistical validity)
Executive Assessment Center
(Candidates or Leadership Development)
Starts at $3000/person
Remote Leader or Worker Analysis $200/person
Agiledge Team Performance Program $1500 plus $375/person
Growth Leadership Assessment Program - 360 Assessment
(Before and After, Behavioral Assessment)
(Before and After Action planning App access)
2 coaching sessions
Leadership Competency Model Assessment
(10 Competencies)
$220/per person
Talent Acquisition Process Analysis
(survey/interviews, process mapping)
Starting at $4850
Talent Development Process Analysis
(survey/interviews, process mapping)
Starting at $5450
Various workshops
(90 minute modules)
Starting at $1500 per module