Growth and Knowledgebase

Effective leaders of remote work teams understand the benefits of providing continuous growth opportunities. This typically entails a blend of conventional training, e-learning, mentoring and opportunities to lead or participate in projects that extend their experiences. Many also designate or have a voluntary system to nurture centers of excellence in technologies and other subject matters key to the success of the team. Motivating a multiplier or growth mindset is also common and in many industries, necessary for a high performing team.

One of the challenges of largely remote environment is organizing, growing and using some kind of knowledge or experience base involving expertise, software/app competency, job skills, job knowledge and even behavioral competencies. To avoid wild goose chases and "out of sight, out of mind" scenarios, leaders of remote teams need to deliberately foster a system that logs and communicates who knows what- the know-how. You may survive without it but without it, you and your team will waste countless hours and miss key opportunities.


Provide Focus


Understanding is key